Get Hard

Michael Cox READ TIME: 2 MIN.

It's too bad that Freudian analysis has fallen out of favor. Those who study humor and its relation to the unconscious will have a field day with "Get Hard."

A wealthy if witless hedge funds manager James King (Will Ferrell) is wrongly sentenced to San Quentin State Prison for tax evasion. Naturally, he jumps to the conclusion that one of the only black people he knows, Darnell Lewis (Kevin Hart), is an ex-con.

Lewis needs $30,000 to start his own car wash and move his daughter to a better school system. For this fee, he pretends to be a stereotype and spends a month teaching the timid tycoon how to "get hard" for life on the inside.

Get-ready-for-Prison-Camp includes all kinds of fun exercises -- like how to use your ass as a storage container for all manner of weaponry, rehearsal for dick sucking and learning what to do if a bare breasted biker chick hurls herself on your windshield (because that's just the way that white supremacists roll).

If you live your life terrified into submission by prison penis panic then "Get Hard" will be therapeutic for you -- and you should certainly play it in the background at your next kegger -- but leave it off your list if you plan to pay attention. It's a pretty poor product for two of the most reliably bankable stars in comedy and a script aided by Jay Martel and Ian Roberts the writing-producers of the hit sketch comedy show "Key and Peele."

You won't be penalized for getting this movie on Blu-ray. Only here can you see the unrated version with seven extra minutes of footage, including a few seconds more of the fake dick Will Ferrell sucks attempts to suck in a men's room.

The deleted scenes and the "Line-O-Ramas" in the special features are really just creatively edited footage of Ferrell and Hart improvising, but they really go to show what talented comedians these men are.

The special features were chosen with the most sensational scenes in mind, so featurettes are dedicated to the dick sucking scene ("Just Put Your Lips Together and Blow") and the scene where the white supremacist slams her breasts into the windshield ("Bikers, Babes and Big Bangs.")

Note: The stunt woman who performed the white-supremacist-on-the-windshield scene gave birth six months prior to the shooting. I guess they wanted to make certain her mammary glands were plenty large. (This information is another benefit of the special features.)

"Get Hard"
Blu-ray Combo Pack
Rated: R & Unrated / 100 or 107 minutes

by Michael Cox

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