Dog Owners Are Happy & Healthier Than Pooch-less People


Dog owners are happier, more satisfied at work and more sociable than people without a pooch, a study has found.

A poll, of 1,000 dog owners and 1,000 adults without a pet, found 80 percent who have a pooch are 'very happy' or 'happy' with their life overall.

But just 70 percent of people without a four-legged friend can say the same.

It also emerged 86 percent of dog owners believe having a pooch can help to bring stress levels down, with 28 percent going onto say they believe their mental health and well-being is above average.

John Davies, co-founder of leading manufacturer of premium pet supplements Lintbells, which commissioned the research, said, "The results of this survey highlight the many benefits of owning a dog, from health to happiness. Dogs are amazing companions, offering their owners much more than just a wag of their tail in the morning. They are often the first to greet anyone arriving home, they inspire us to spend more time outdoors and offer unconditional love to their owners. That said we owe it to them to take care of their needs - even those we can't see. Natural supplements can aid your dog with their mobility, skin sensitivities, digestion and anxiety, helping them to be happier for longer."

The study, carried out by, found dog owners are also likely to be happier with their career with 63 percent saying they are satisfied with their work life.

Just 44 percent of those without a pet say the same.

And more dog owners put their general and physical health at above average levels than those who don't have a dog, and also exercise on one more occasion each week.

Unsurprisingly, people with a pet pooch spend an hour and 12 minutes longer outdoors each week than those without a dog.

Dog owners' hobbies are also more likely to be active and outdoor pursuits, with them being bigger fans of cycling, going for walks and gardening.

But those without a dog are more likely to enjoy reading, listening to music and watching TV.

In fact, it was found people without a pooch watch 14 hours more TV a month, averaging an extra 3.5 hours per week, than those with a four-legged friend.

And while non-dog owners are most likely to opt for a quiet night at home alone, people with a dog prefer a more social evening in with friends or a night at the pub.

Dog owners are also the biggest social media users with 80 percent spending some time on social media each day compared to just 71 percent of those without a dog.

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